Warts are flattened or rounded outgrowths from the outer and middle layers of the skin, varying in size from a pin head to half an inch in diameter. There are several varieties.

Seed Warts. These have numerous, little, fleshy projections over their surface, which are enlarged normal structures ( papillæ ) of the middle layer of the skin, together with the thickened, outer, horny layer.

Threadlike Warts. These are seen along the edge of the nails, on the face, neck, eyelids, and ears. They are formed by the great prolongation and growth of the projections, or papillæ of the middle layer of the skin just described.

Flat Warts , raised but slightly above the surface are more common in old people.

Moist Warts occur where they are softened by secretions of the body, as about the sexual organs (in connection with diseases of the same), and about the anus (or opening of the bowel). They are of a white, pink, or red color, and consist of numerous, little, fleshy projections, usually covered with a foul smelling secretion.

Warts most commonly appear on the hands of children, but may appear on any part of the body and at all ages. They may disappear quickly or remain indefinitely. They are not communicable from one person to another.

Treatment. Warts may be removed by painting them frequently with the fresh juice of the milkweed, or with acetic acid or tincture of iodine. These remedies are all harmless, but somewhat slow and not always effective. Application, morning and evening, of a saturated solution of “washing soda” (impure bicarbonate of potash) will often remove a wart.