Headache from Heat Stroke
Persons who have been exposed to excessive heat or have actually had a heat stroke are very prone to headache, which is made worse by movements of the head. Sodium bromide, twenty grains dissolved in water, may be given to advantage three times daily between meals in these cases for not more than two days. […]
Sympathetic Headaches
These are caused by irritation in various parts of the body, which is conveyed through the nervous system to the brain producing headache. Headache from eye strain is one of this class, and probably the most common, and, therefore, most important of all headaches. There is unfortunately no sure sign by which we can tell […]
Headache from Indigestion
The pain is more often in the forehead, but may be in the top or back of the head. The headache may last for hours, or “off and on” for days. Dull headache is seen in “biliousness” when the whites of the eyes are slightly tinged with yellow and the tongue coated and yellowish, and […]
Nervous Headaches
These occur in brain exhaustion and anæmia, and in nervous exhaustion. There is a feeling of pressure or weight at the back of the head or neck, rather than real pain. This is often relieved by lying down. Headache from anæmia is often associated with pallor of the face and lips, shortness of the breath, […]
Neuralgic Headaches
The pain is usually of a shooting character, and the scalp is often exceedingly tender to pressure. They may be caused by exposure to cold, or by decayed teeth, or sometimes by inflammation of the middle ear (see Earache).
This is a peculiar, one sided headache which takes the form of severe, periodic attacks or paroxysms, and is often inherited. It recurs at more or less regular intervals, as on a certain day of each week, fortnight or month, and the attacks appear and disappear at regular hours. The disorder generally persists for years […]
Constant Headache
This, afflicting the patient all day and every day, and increasing in severity at night, is suggestive of some disease of the brain, as congestion, brain tumor, or meningitis, and urgently demands skillful medical attention.
Headache from Poisoning
Persons addicted to the excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol, and tobacco are often subject to headache from poisoning of the system by these substances. In tea, coffee, and tobacco poisoning there is also palpitation of the heart in many cases; that is, the patient is conscious of his heart beating, irregularly and violently (see […]