As a lot goes on with women’s bodies it can be hard for any man to understand. The breasts for instance are very sensitive and important at the same time. Diseases like cancer have however found a favourite dwelling place in the human breast and with this have come increased cases of breast cancer, world […]
How can children continue to live with Type 1 Diabetes?
At their age, children living with Diabetes 1 can not take their medication and diet as required however much they can survive. They should be therefore assisted by the older people. They may not have proper understanding on the different dose prescribed by the doctors. Children commonly take sweets and candies and therefore parents should […]
Insulin The Artificial Way to Control Diabetes
Patients suffering from Diabetes 1 can be treated using insulin hormone; however, patients with Diabetes type 2can also use it. In the past, animal insulin was administered to the patients but research has clearly recommended human insulin as the best therapy. There are many ways in which human insulin can be taken. Before giving insulin […]
Cancerous Lump on Scalp
Having a lump on the scalp does not necessarily mean that it has to be a cancerous tumour. Scalp lumps can be caused by many other things apart from cancerous cells. The lump may be a sebaceous cyst. This is an oil gland which is swollen right under the skin. This lump is more of […]
Osteoarthritis Vs Rheumatoid Arthritis
Many people who suffer from joint problems find it hard to differentiate between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. These two sicknesses, though similar are not one and the same thing. Rheumatoid arthritis affects small joints found on the hands, feet and wrists. On the other hand, osteoarthritis normally occurs in large joints such as the hips […]
Healing Benefits of Olive Leaves and Cancer
Olive leaves come from the olive tree also known as Olea Europaea. Most of the olives leaves’ known medicinal value including affects on cancer come from the leaf’s natural flavor and extract that have various anti-inflammatory, antibacterial antioxidant and anti-fungal properties. A few of the clinically active compounds in olive leaf include oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, oleocantathal, […]
Green Tea and Cancer
Green tea is a type of a drink that is obtained from steamed and dried leaves of camellia plant. Research has claimed that green tea can protect certain types of cancers. However, more research is needed because some human research has produced mixed results. Examples of these are cancer of the skin, stomach, pancreas, lung, […]
Diabetes Causes of high blood glucose levels in the morning
Glucose level has to deal with the amount of sugar or glucose that is found in your blood. High sugar levels in the blood can often be detected for diabetic patients who take regular insulin during evening time. Also called as the Somyogi effect, high morning insulin occurs because of a natural body phenomenon that […]
Warning signs of diabetes
It is important to recognize diabetes. Thus, you should be careful about noticing any diabetes related symptoms or warnings that your body might be throwing. If you are feeling extremely thirsty or have problems of frequent urination, you should get your blood sugar levels tested. Blurred vision, drowsiness, sudden weight loss etc can also lead […]
Herbs for diabetes
Diabetes or hyperglycemia can be life threatening. The fact that insulin cannot pass the glucose effectively into the blood cells and it remains in the blood stream can create life-impacting situations. Today, there are many herbs that are used for the purpose of treating diabetes. Yes, there are the pharma labs and injections and pills […]
Dietary management for diabetes mellitus
Diabetes or hyperglycemia can be quite life threatening. Overindulgence in diet at such times can be really fatal. While the doctors prescribe a lot of injections and pills, it is the exercise regimen and moderation in food intake which saves the day for a diabetic. Diabetes mellitus results from an overdose of sugar in the […]
Health Benefits of Acai Berry and Cancer
Acai berry is the fruit of the Amazon which is gaining great mileage in the western society and rightly so. It is full of antioxidants. This is for the purpose of tackling various metabolic shortages. Well, the antioxidants released in the body reverse the free radical damage and boosts metabolism by flushing away the toxins. […]
Fighting arthritis with the right foods
Arthritis, much like gout, is an attack on the joints. The rheumatoid arthritis is the commonest form and causes acute pain. Life goes for a ride when the pain occurs. It is known to even remain for two to three weeks. And the biggest problem is that it is often chronic. High presence of uric […]
Homeopathy Treatment – Actaea rac (Actaea racemosa)
Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, Syn.: Cimicifuga racemosa), a member of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), is an erect perennial found in rich cove forests of Eastern North America from Georgia to Ontario. Native Americans used black cohosh for a variety of ailments including rheumatism, malaria, sore throats, and complications associated with child birth. Europeans have used […]
Homeopathy Treatment – Aconite (Aconitum napellus)
Aconitum napellus (the Common Monkshood) was considered to be of therapeutic and toxicological importance. Its roots have occasionally been mistaken for horseradish. It has a short underground stem, from which dark-colored tapering roots descend. The crown or upper portion of the root gives rise to new plants. When touched to one’s lip, the juice of […]