What is candidiasis?
Candida is a fungus but it is present in the body as well.
It is located in warm and moist areas such as the oral cavity and the genitalia.
Normally, if the immunity of the person is in good shape and there are no sudden changes in the person’s chemistry, then it does not do anything.
The immune system keeps it in check.
It is possible also for certain conditions to happen that could affect the person and cause infection and this is what we call as candidiasis or more popularly known as thrush or yeast infection.
One big misnomer is that it happens only on women. Even men can develop thrush.
Symptoms of yeast infection
Men can develop candidiasis and this could lead to numerous symptoms here are the most common symptoms for men:
- inflammation and redness on the head of the penis
- itching and burning sensation around the head and across the genital area
- blisters which can release discharges
- painful sensation when urinating and having intercourse
- difficulty when having sex
- ere are also some less common symptoms that you have to be aware of:
- development of acne and lesions all of a sudden
- stomach troubles like constipation and diarrhea
- stiffness and soreness of the muscles and joints
- fatigue
Women are commonly associated with yeast infection. Here are the common symptoms for women
- The vagina could experience irritation that could lead to an itchy sensation.
- The patient urinates or has intercourse; there is a burning sensation in the vaginal area. T
- What could be followed by pain as well as redness.
- If there is a white, odorless discharge coming out that looks pretty much like cottage cheese, the patient has candidiasis.
If you have these conditions, it might be necessary to head to the doctor immediately. If this is the first time you had this condition, or if you are not quite sure about the symptoms, if there are other conditions aside from the above stated ones, if there are topical creams and at home methods that the patient can do first but if they did not work well, then seek professional help.
Causes of yeast infection
It is all about balance. Our body is a mix of good and bad. We have a fungus and we have healthy bacteria as well as the immune system. Like many other complex beings, the body is subject to changes and it could increase the activity of one component over the other. Most of the time, when the patient has very low immunity, caused by diseases or by drinking antibiotics, then you could be subject to yeast infection especially if the lactobacillus component is not that high.
It is necessary to avoid looking at yeast infection as a sexually transmitted disease. However, if you have intercourse with a man or woman with candidiasis, given the situation, it is possible to acquire the infection but be clarified that sex is not the trigger for this condition.
Natural home remedies for yeast infection
- Candida, as a fungus, is driven by carbohydrates. To naturally balance the presence of candida in the body, a low carbohydrate diet is necessary.
- Yeast can aggravate the condition so as much as possible, if you are going to eat bread, eat only the unleavened kind. Avoid vinegar, alcohol, cheese, teas and all foods with yeast.
- Eat veggies that are not starchy and get your protein from fish and poultry. Avoid residues of antibiotics from meat by getting organic ones. It would be best to avoid processed meat as well.
- Increase dosage of garlic, EVO (extra virgin olive oil) and ginger as well as numerous herbs like rosemary and lemon balm. These are incredible in helping minimize the risks of yeast infection and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, well balanced diet.