Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, Syn.: Cimicifuga racemosa), a member of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae), is an erect perennial found in rich cove forests of Eastern North America from Georgia to Ontario.

Native Americans used black cohosh for a variety of ailments including rheumatism, malaria, sore throats, and complications associated with child birth.

Europeans have used this important medicinal plant to treat menopausal symptoms for over 40 years.

Recent clinical evidence supports the efficacy and safety of black cohosh for these symptoms.

Actaea Racemosa

Actaea Racemosa

Homeopathy Treatment Using Actaea rac (Actaea racemosa)

Backache – stiffness of upper back & neck, pain shoots down thighs or across hips

Depression – associated with confusion and despondency. After childbirth

Claustrophobia – with great fear

Fibromyalgia – soreness, tightness, stiffness and shooting pains, with headache

Headache – throbbing pain or shooting pain in the eyes, linked to PMS

Neuralgia – shooting pains

Pain – shooting, which are much worse with movement, cold and damp

Osteoarthritis – severe aching and stiffness causing exhaustion

PMS & heavy periods – cramps, headache & stiff neck, Depression

Post-exercise muscle pain – after very intense workouts

Rheumatic pain – in back and neck

Stiff neck – with pain travelling down the back

Tinnitus – sensitive to least noise

Recent decisions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on hormone replacement therapy have increased the demand for black cohosh.

Nearly 100 percent of black cohosh raw materials are wild harvested.

Though it has received an “apparently secure” ecological ranking on the global and national scales, conservation groups list the species as “at risk” in the United States and endangered in Illinois and Massachusetts.

Research is underway to determine sustainable harvest levels and to establish suitable cultivation methods.