Glucose is an important component of our body chemistry since it is the main source of energy for our cells. However, there are conditions that can affect how we utilize this fuel. This condition is known as diabetes. Let us find out more what this condition is and how it affects the body.

What is diabetes

Diabetes comes in 2 forms, Type 1 or juvenile diabetes and Type 2 or adult onset diabetes. Type one is a condition in which the pancreas create very little to no insulin that allows glucose to be consumed in the cells. Type 2 diabetes changes the way the body reacts to insulin or the body does not create enough insulin for the cells to metabolize glucose. If you have diabetes, no matter what for it may be, it only means you have too much glucose that is not being used by the body and too much, as we all know leads to dangerous consequences.

Causes of diabetes

The causes of diabetes on a person will vary based on what type it is. For Type 1 diabetes, the immune system of the patient attacks the cells that produce insulin in the pancreas. The person is then left with very little to no insulin therefore, the glucose which was supposed to be transported to the cells, is left saturating in the bloodstream. It is mainly a genetic reason why a person gets type 1 and environmental triggers can activate this condition.

For Type 2 diabetes, the cells seem to be resistant to insulin and due to the resistance to insulin, the pancreas cannot create more. Again, the same process happens, all the sugars that you consumed stay afloat in the bloodstream.

Another form of diabetes is gestational which happens on women during pregnancy. The placenta creates additional hormones that are necessary for the development of the baby. The hormones make the cells more resistant to insulin and therefore, the woman can develop diabetes while pregnant. This condition can disappear but the presence of diabetes during pregnancy increases the predisposition of the woman for full blown diabetes.

Signs and symptoms of diabetes

  • profuse urination
  • always thirsty
  • rapid weight loss
  • extreme hunger
  • ketones in the urine
  • elevated blood pressure
  • infections are more frequent
  • slow healing wounds and sores
  • easily get tired
  • blurry vision

Natural Home Remedies for diabetes

  • Specific fruits, like grape fruit can be juiced and drank. This can be used to keep the diabetes in control.
  • Cinnamon contains compounds that help utilize the sugars in the blood effectively.
  • Boiling mango leaves has some compounds that can help keep sugar levels at bay.
  • Try to minimize the consumption of starches and too many carbohydrates in your diet.
  • Eat small, frequent meals. Remember that if the sugar levels spike, it could cause the body to react negatively. Small, frequent meals keep the body’s sugar levels in control.
  • Eat more tomatoes, garlic, onions and sprouts. They are very good for the body overall but they also minimize the effects of diabetes.
  • Fish and soy are fine for a diabetic diet.
  • Move around. Exercise can help increase the good cholesterol and keep the bad cholesterol low. This can also help in effectively discarding the glucose and developing insulin.
  • Keep your mouth health and bacteria free. Remember, bacteria linger in your mouth, causing sores. Brush your teeth, gargle and watch what you eat. Go to the dentist regularly.
  • Olive oil is your best option for a salad dressing as it helps in maintaining the diabetes.
  • If you experience low blood sugar, natural peanut butter without sugar and preservatives are great. Options to recuperate.