Women ovaries are very important in life. They are responsible in producing women hormones like oestrogen and progesterone.
Cancer of the ovary is a cancerous growth that occurs in the ovaries.
It affects different parts of the ovary.
Stage 1A involves one ovary, capsule intact, no tumor on ovarian surface, negative washings.
Stage 1B involves both ovaries; capsule intact; no tumor on ovarian surface; negative washings
Stage 1C tumor involves one or both ovaries
This type of cancer occurs when a tumor is formed in the ovaries.
These tumors are malignant and can move to other tissues in the body.
They can result to other type of cancerous tumors like liver cancer or lung cancer.
This kind of tumor can cause really problems to your heath and should be treated when first detected.
Symptoms of this type of cancer includes back pains, pelvic pain, frequent urination, breast tenderness, missed period, constipation, vaginal bleeding, excessive growth of hair, weight gain or menstrual irregularity.
Ovarian cancer progress in 4 different stages, the earlier the stage the easy it is to treat it.
When you get the first signs you should make sure you see a doctor before it’s too late.
After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer in October 2017 I had surgery and had them removed. I was diagnosed with Stage 1c and had 6 x sessions of chemotherapy. When I was initially diagnosed my markers were sitting on 148. After finishing chemo in February’18 they were at 23. Since November’18 they have slowly been creeping up again and are now sitting at 120, although all my scans and blood tests are clear. As yet my oncologist has not offered anymore treatment as she says she doesn’t know what to treat. I feel like this is becoming a wait and see game and I am sitting like a dead duck not knowing what to do. Any suggestions please? Look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Odette