This eruption is situated chiefly on the face, but often on the back, shoulders, and chest as well. It is a disorder which is seen mostly in young men and women at about the age of puberty. It consists of conical elevations of the skin, from a pin head to a pea in size, often reddened and tender on pressure, and having a tendency to form matter or pus, as shown by a yellow spot in the center of the pimple. After three to ten days the matter is discharged, but red elevations remain, which later become brown and disappear without scarring, except in rare cases.

“Blackheads” appear as slightly elevated black points, sometimes having a yellowish tint from which a little, thin, wormlike mass may be pressed. Pimples and blackheads are both due to inflammation about the glands of the skin which secrete oily material; the mouths of the glands become plugged with dust, thus retaining the oily secretion and causing blackheads. Then if these glands are invaded by germs producing pus, we have a pimple, which usually results in the formation of matter as described above. Constipation and indigestion favor the occurrence of pimples and blackheads; also a poor state of the blood, or anæmia.

Treatment. Tea, coffee, tobacco, and alcohol should be avoided, together with veal, pork, fats, and cheese. The bowels must be moved daily by some proper cathartic, as cascara tablets containing two grains each of the extract. The dose is one to two tablets at night. The blackheads should be squeezed out with a watch key, or with an instrument made for the purpose, not finger nails, and pimples containing matter must be emptied after being pricked with a needle (which has been passed through a flame to kill germs on it). If there is redness of the skin and irritation associated with pimples, it is sufficient to bathe the skin with very hot water and green soap three times daily, and apply calamine lotion at night. In other cases, when the skin is not sensitive, and zinc or mercury has not been used, the employment of sulphur soap and hot water at bedtime, allowing the suds to dry and remain on the face during the night, is to be recommended. An ointment consisting of half a dram of precipitated sulphur with half an ounce each of powdered starch and vaseline applied each night, and hot water used on the face three times daily are also efficacious. Sulphur lotion is better than sulphur ointment.