There are many ways to help control your diabetes without the necessity of medication. The following article will offer many tips and techniques to help regulate your insulin as well as ways to ensure your diabetes is not affecting other areas of your body. Continue reading to see which methods you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

Cinnamon not only tastes delicious but has also been shown to lower blood sugar by decreasing your insulin resistance. There have been numerous studies conducted about the use of cinnamon and its effects on diabetes. Studies suggest that taking 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon after meals can help lower blood sugar.

Whole grains are your friend if you have diabetes. It has been proven that whole grains such as barley and bulgur help slow the absorption rate of glucose into the body. In addition, whole grains are packed full of vitamins and minerals.

Everyone knows that sugar can be detrimental to a person with diabetes. There are many sugar substitutes currently available on the market. Artificial sugar substitutes include aspartame, saccharine and sucralose. For a natural alternative that is diabetes friendly, try stevia. Stevia can be used in high temperature cooking as well as cold applications which makes it the artificial sweetener of choice for many people.

Everyone knows that exercise is beneficial; however, some may not realize how beneficial it is to someone suffering from diabetes. Exercise has been shown to help patients lose weight and lower blood glucose levels. Before beginning any exercise routine it is important to consult your physician.

One of the essential things that every diabetic must do is monitor their blood sugar. With the advances in blood sugar monitors, it is less painful and quicker to get an accurate assessment of blood glucose levels than it used to be. Your doctor will inform you how often you should check your blood sugar. Most patients will keep a log of readings to show to their physician at each visit.

Quality sleep and rest can help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with diabetes. Many diabetes sufferers complain about fatigue. To help avoid this complaint it is essential that you get adequate rest.

Alcohol is loaded with sugars which can wreak havoc on your diabetes. It is best to avoid alcohol completely or limit your intake to no more than one small glass of wine daily.

Everyone loves desserts; however, for a diabetic desserts can be very unhealthy. For those times when you crave something sweet, opt for fresh, raw fruit rather than sugary desserts. Your body will have a much easier time converting naturally sweet fruit into energy over sugary desserts.

Products which have high fructose corn syrup can quickly elevate your blood glucose levels. Therefore, high fructose corn syrup should be avoided. Read your labels carefully to ensure that your snacks and cereals do not contain high fructose corn syrup.

Protein is one of the body’s main building blocks for muscle. Healthy protein choices should include fish, legumes, nuts and lean cuts of meat. A healthy portion size is approximately 5 ounces.

As this article has shown there are many ways to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with diabetes. Incorporate the ideas listed above to help you get on track and stay healthy after a diabetes diagnosis.