Quinsy is a peritonsilitis; that is, it is an inflammatory disease of the tissues in which the tonsil is imbedded, an inflammation around the tonsil. The swelling of these tissues thrusts the tonsil out into the throat; but the tonsil is little affected. Quinsy involves the surrounding structures of the throat, and usually results in abscess. The disease is said to be frequently hereditary, and often occurs in those subject to rheumatism and gout. It is seen more often in spring and autumn and in those living an out of door existence, and having once had quinsy the victim is liable to frequent recurrences of the disease. Quinsy is characterized by much greater pain in the throat and in swallowing than is the case in tonsilitis, and the temperature is often higher sometimes 104° to 105° F. When the throat is inspected, one or both tonsils are seen to be enlarged and crowded into its cavity from the swelling of the neighboring parts. The tonsils may almost block the entrance to the throat. The voice is thick and indistinct, the glands in the side of the neck become swollen, and the neck is sore and stiff in consequence, while the mouth can be only partially opened on account of pain. For the same reason the patient can swallow neither solid nor liquid food, and sits bent forward, with saliva running out of the mouth. The secretion of saliva is increased, but is not swallowed on account of the pain produced by the act. Sleep is also impossible, and altogether a more piteous spectacle of pain and distress is rarely seen. Having reached this stage the inflammation usually goes on to abscess (formation behind or above or below the tonsil), and, after five to ten days from the beginning of the attack, the pus finds its way to the surface of the tonsil, and breaks into the mouth to the inexpressible relief of the patient. This event is followed by quick subsidence of the symptoms. Quinsy is rarely a dangerous disease, yet, occasionally, it leads to so much obstruction in the throat that death from suffocation ensues unless a surgeon opens the throat and inserts a tube. Occasionally the pus from the ruptured abscess enters the larynx and causes suffocation.

Quinsy differs from tonsilitis in the following respects: the swelling affects the immediate surrounding area of the throat; there are no white spots to be seen on the tonsil unless the trouble begins as an ordinary tonsilitis; there is great pain on swallowing, and finally abscess near the tonsil in most cases.

Treatment. A thorough painting of the tonsils at the onset of a threatened attack of quinsy with the silver nitrate solution, as recommended under tonsilitis, may cut short the disorder. A single dose of calomel (three to five grains) is also useful for the same purpose. The tincture of aconite should be taken hourly in three drop doses until five such have been swallowed, when the drug is to be no longer used. The constant use of a hot flaxseed poultice (as large as the whole hand and an inch thick, spread between thin layers of cotton and applied as hot as can be borne, and changed every half hour) gives more relief than anything else, and may possibly lead to disappearance of the trouble if employed early enough. The use of the poultices is to be kept up until recovery, although they need not be applied so frequently as at first. A surgeon’s services are especially desirable in this disorder, as early puncture of the peritonsillar tissue may save days of suffering in affording exit for pus as soon as it forms.